Sunday, January 6, 2019

Pray On Your Way Out The Door. Dysfunctional Relationships You Should leave in 2019

Unhealthy Relationship that are controlling tend to be emotional and physical abusive and draining. The verbal abuse is geared to attacking your self-esteem. The abuser have already deemed that you have high self-esteem so this is an emotional and physical abuse attack on you to break you down so that you will feel and think less of yourself.

Unhealthy Friendly Relationships are those persons we think of as “friends” when in reality they are nothing more than “competing” relationships. In these relationships, we attempt to outshine the other, outdo, etc., Not realizing that if someone is your true friend, they love and want to be with you just the way you are. We don't need to impress them.

Unhealthy Family Relationships are demonstrated in dysfunctional, constant family drama. The reasons for the family drama may be based on our family upbringing, feeling mistreated, not being loved as much as another sibling, be treated differently, remembrance of deep seated childhood episodes of mistreatment that have carried over adulthood and manifest itself in episodes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at family gatherings. If you had an abusive childhood, make a difference as an adult to "take better care of yourself" than your parents did. Don't harbor over your childhood. You are in the driver seat now -- DRIVE. Show them how they should have done it.

Unhealthy Marital Relationships are both physically dangerous as well as emotional unhealthy. These relationships place you and your children at risk. In relationships like these, you should seek a safe house, leave immediately and pray your way out the door. Some of the reasons for the dysfunction can be rooted in jealousy, deceit, unfaithfulness, unequally yoked, and the need for the abuser to control or manipulative. These type of relationship, clearly do not have your best interests at heart.

The Bible gives us guidance and examples of unhealthy relationships where deception, manipulation and vindictiveness were used to try to break and stripe away the morals and beliefs of good persons. They are found in the stories of Ahab & Jezebel (manipulation), Jacob & Laban (Deceit), Saul & David (Jealousy).

At some point, you need to be happy with yourself and choose YOU and your health. Alone is natural. YOU came into this world alone and naked YOU shall leave here. Job 1:21 says, “naked came I out of my mother’s womb and naked shall I return.”

If you can’t find a healthy relationship, don't settle for an unhealthy one. Be content loving yourself. Take yourself out to dinner. Take yourself on a vacation. Take yourself to the movies. Take yourself shopping. Do yourself a favor. Love yourself enough to get out of an unhealthy relationship. Your relationships SHOULD erase your tears, not your smile. True love doesn't hurt -- it heals.

#Controlling #Manipulative #UnhealthyFriendships #UnhealthyFamilyRelationships #MaritalRelationships #UnequallyYoked #Dangerous #Deceitful